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公司网址: http://tyron.com.cn
QQ: 465768034


Tyron was formed in 1979 and specialized in the supply and fitting of flat tyre protection systems to the military, governmental and safety organizational vehicles. Due to a request from the Ministry Of Defense to help save lives and property from BLOWOUT related accidents, these extended run flat tire protection systems have been improved in design and manufacture, making them lighter, stronger and more efficient today. “Warranty usage of 10 years from date of installation” and a product warranty of TWO MILLION ENGLISH POUNDS underwritten by Lloyd’s Insurance is our pledge to our customers, making Tyron the most innovative safety product to come into the automobile industry, continuing the safety process of the 1st generation seat belt, 2nd generation ABS, 3rd generation Airbag and 4th generation, Tyron safety wheel bands. Tyron bands are manufactured on dedicated tooling using automated production techniques and within the scope of BS5750, ISO 9000-1987 and EN 29000-1987. The manufacturing site operates a professional quality system that was approved by BSI to ISO 9000 in 1990. In 1998 the production facility gained QS9000 The entire framework of the operating strategy is built upon the philosophy of Total Quality Management and continued process improvement. The quality programme is already active at the stage of initial design and component development, through the provision of F.M.E.A. (Failure Mode and Effect Analysis) and SPC (Statistical Process Control) is practised in all manufacturing functions. 蒂龙汽车集团公司(Tyron Automotive Group Ltd)成立于1979年。 蒂龙汽车爆胎保险装置在汽车安全产品领域里已积累了20多年的专长和经验。当时英国国防部因为军事车辆在军用物资的运载以及人员的输送上,深为各种不同气候和路况所困,轮胎常常因为这些变化而变形爆胎,使得物资损失,甚至人员平白丧生。因此,英国军方由国防部出面与轮胎大厂合作,邀约轮胎安全专家参与作业开发研究,这就是Tyron的前身与起源。当时,蒂龙汽车集团与雅方(AVON)轮胎公司合作,共同开发了历史首创的用于汽车爆胎的保险产品,用于轮胎内的钢制轮毂上。这款产品可以解决车辆由于轮胎突然爆胎而导致车辆方向和刹车失灵,不能安全行驶的问题,更实际的在多次战争危机中,挽救回无数生命与物资。于是这些第一代产品销售到世界各地,优先供应军队,政府和安全组织。 蒂龙汽车爆胎保险装置严格按照BS5750,ISO9000-1987和EN29000-1987标准的要求生产。是继安全带、ABS、安全气囊后第四代汽车安全保护装置,蒂龙汽车爆胎保险装置是在汽车行驶中突发爆胎或在轮胎漏气的情况下,保障车辆仍然能够安全行驶的装置。当汽车爆胎时,蒂龙使轮胎固定在轮毂上,防止轮胎脱落后轮毂直接接触地面,填补了国内外汽保用品市场在“事后控制”领域的一项技术空白。英国蒂龙汽车集团公司向全世界蒂龙使用者承诺:“产品一次安装,保用十年”并向英国劳合社保险公司承保了200万英镑的产品责任巨额保险。