支持单位: 全国警用装备标准化技术委员会 , 公安部安全与警用电子产品质量检测中心 , 公安部特种警用装备质量监督检验中心 , 国家安全防范报警系统产品质量监督检验中心

志蓝技术携潜水硬核装备出席美国潜水展DEMA Show

2022-12-01 10:44:48  来源 : 警用装备网

11月4日,美国潜水展DEMA Show 2022终于落下帷幕,志蓝技术“水下通信导航系统”夺目现场,深受众多业内人士的关注好评。

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices


Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

DEMA Show是世界上规模最大、最全面的潜水展览会,由美国潜水设备和营销协会(Diving Equipment & Marketing Association)举办,每年一届,至今已举办了46届,每年吸引来自世界各地的600多家参展企业和近10,000名潜水和旅游行业专业人士。

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

本届DEMA Show,志蓝技术作为技术潜水装备参展商,现场呈现了重磅产品“水下通信导航系统”。志蓝技术旗下产品旨在解决水下潜水员之间或水下潜水员与水面之间定位和通信难题,可以实现水下实时定位、水下空间导航、一键SOS报警、异常状态提醒、无线信息收发、多种组网形式等核心功能,满足在水下400米范围内2-6台设备编组互连,并根据不同的使用场景选择不同的产品组合进行编组使用。

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices


Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices

Ocean Plan attended the DEMA Show with hard core diving devices


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